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Chelsi / 19 / Toronto, Canada

Aspiring model/photographer/bartender.
Highly influenced and interested in fashion, style, gore/horror, art, literature & photography.
This is my personal blog that I'll be using similar to a diary, writing about my daily life, daily problems, daily issues, rants, tutorials, OOTD posts, product reviews, interests, goals, dreams, love and everything inbetween!
Just a typical 19 year old girl trying to put together the pieces of my life while working towards my ideal future. If you would like to know any more about me feel free to check out the 'Author' and 'FAQ' tabs.


If you would like to contact me about anything regarding sponsorships, questions or anything else feel free to E-mail me at

Who inspires you the most?

Audrey Hepburn, Gemma Arterton, Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox, Keira Knightley, &Bom of 2NE1 cause she's my #1 girl bias. 8D ♥ But mostly Audrey Hepburn, she's who I'd consider inspires me most. ♥

Ask anything and cure my boredom! щ(゚Д゚щ)

9.26.2010 (26.9.10)